Why does ISO 21001 operate Into Educational Organizations?

The ISO standing for International Organization for Standardization is one of the most experienced in the field of industry standardization, ranging from quality management to food safety. It has proved to be a global standardization benchmark that impacts businesses, organizations, policy-makers and various regulations around the globe.

The Educational Organization Management System is intended to serve as a management tool with a set of requirements aimed at helping educational organizations/institutions establish the necessary policies and procedures. It also ensures that the needs, requirements and objectives of students, staff, customers and other beneficiaries are met – and, at the same time, the relationship between these stakeholders and the education agency is elevated to a right level for all interested parties.

ISO 21001 seeks to provide a common management framework for organizations delivering educational goods and services capable of meeting the requirements of the learners and other beneficiaries. While the principal beneficiaries are learners and educational organizations, it is fair to assume that all interested parties will benefit from a properly established system of management for educational organizations based on ISO 21001 and followed by best practices in the industry.


Focus on learners and other beneficiaries – The EOMS 'primary focus is on meeting learner and other recipient requirements and exceeding their expectations.

Visionary leadership - Visionary leadership is to involve all learners and other beneficiaries to develop, compose, and execute the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.

Engagement of people - It is essential that all the people involved are competent, empowered and committed to delivering value

Process approach - When activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system, including input and output, consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently. Improvement - Successful organizations continue to focus on enhancement.

Evidence-based decisions - Decisions and curricula based on data and information analyzes and evaluations are more likely to deliver desired results

Relationship management - Organizations manage their relationships with stakeholders such as providers, for continued success.

Social responsibility - Socially responsible Organizations are sustainable and ensure long-term success.

Accessibility and equity - Successful organizations are inclusive, flexible, transparent and accountable to address the individual and particular needs, interests, abilities and backgrounds of the learners.

Ethical conduct in education - Ethical behaviour refers to the organization's ability to build a moral working atmosphere in which all stakeholders are treated equitably, conflicts of interest are avoided, and operations are carried out to the benefit of society.

Data security and protection - The organization creates an environment in which all stakeholders can interact with the educational organization in full confidence that they maintain control over the use of their data, and that the educational organization will treat their data with adequate care and privacy.

But to implement it, ISO 21001 training must be given immensely. Education standards aren't a new thing. Teacher standards, achievement standards, standardized curricula, learning standards, standardized tests and so on have been around for decades now. Particularly within the domain of ISO standards, standardization is not an entirely new phenomenon in educational organizations.